We hope you and your loved ones are feeling well and safe.

Saying that April was a productive month for us, understates the magnitude of the progress we have achieved. Below we will summarize a few key points.

🌍 Stackers Conquering the World


As of today, we are proud to say, that nationals of 173 different countries have tried Stack. And this is how our WAU has been increasing for the last three months:

February 2800 | March 3900 | April 12400

🦾 Released Stack 3.0

Progress on the product side has been staggering. In order to deliver the best possible User Experience, we have fully redesigned Sidebar that we now call Spacebar 🌌 We have also redesigned App Store and Top Bar making them more functional 🔧and changed the entire browsing experience, giving new look to Ghost Cards 👻

We are releasing product updates in every 2 weeks. If you haven’t tried Stack, we strongly encourage you to check it out now. Streamline your workflow, forget the tab hell, become an internet multitasker and join our movement!

                                                           **[Download Stack Now](<https://getstack.app/>)**

✨ Stack for Windows


Last but definitely not the least, we have released Stack for Windows! Horizontal Spacebar on Windows turned out to be phenomenal, giving Stack an elegant look of an Operating System of the future. And the feedback we received from Windows users has been awe-inspiring.

This is it for now!

Thanks for being with us!

For a better overview on our month to month progress, you can see previous Newsletters on this link. To track our progress on the product side, please check the What’s New section in the native cards inside Stack, or visit this link